Fun Phonics Letter Sound Picture Sorts

Fun Phonics Letter Sound Picture Sorts

30 pages of letter sound picture sorts – 15 different sorts – in color and black and white Sorts included: Sort 1: t or f (top or fun) Sort 2: b or not b (bat) Sort 3: m or n (man or nut) Sort 4: a or c (apple or cat) Sort 5: i or r (itch or rat) Sort 6: o or g (octopus or game) Sort 7: d or s (dog or snake) Sort 8: e or u (ed or up) Sort 9: l or not l (lamp) Sort 10: h or k (hat or kite) Sort 11: p or j (pan or jug) Sort 12: z or qu (zebra or queen) Sort 13: y or not y (yellow) Sort 14: v or w (van or wind) Sort 15: x or not x (fox)

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