Unique geometric art completely created, designed and hand drawn on canson paper with Rotring pen and ink. Original work dated 1985 and the second copy drawn in 2000. My work inspires hope at the end of the tunnel. About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Ink A strongly tinted liquid or paste that is used to mark paper or other printable materials. The design is done manually with a slab, feather, brush, or straightener. Technic Drawing Drawing is a technique of visual representation on a flat support. The term “drawing” designates both the action of drawing, the resulting graphic work, and the shape of any object. It is also a representation on a surface of the shape (and possibly the light and shadow values) of an object or figure, rather than their color. There are a large number of drawing techniques: “Linear drawing” represents objects by their outlines, edges and some characteristic lines; beyond this limit, the drawing develops by representing the volume by shadows, often by means of hatching, incorporates colors, and joins, without clear transition, the painting. Related themes Art AbstraitArt GéométriqueUniqueEncrePapier Canson View less
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