Submitted by Loren H. – A 1947 Chrysler Town and Country Sedan Every month, the Chrysler Facebook community enthusiastically shares hundreds of photos, each one representing in some important way the love individual fans feel for their Chrysler vehicles. Back in April we shared “The Best of the Chrysler Facebook Page: Landscape Edition, Volume 1” – a collection of Chrysler vehicles from east to west. Recently, we asked our fans to share photos of their vintage Chrysler vehicles, and the response was tremendous. In this collection, we have selected photos featuring Chrysler heritage vehicles, some seldom seen. When you do see them, it’s easy to get lost in the timeless style and generous sizing offered from the respective era they hail from. We hope these images inspire you to take similar photos of your own, and when you do, please don’t hesitate to post them directly to the official Chrysler Facebook page. You and your car could be featured in the next edition of the Best of the Chrysler Facebook Page. Submitted by Carl G. – A 1948 Chrysler Traveller Submitted by Frank P. – A 1959 Imperial Submitted by Read More
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