Es ist Anfang Januar, 8 Uhr morgens und wir sind gerade zum allerersten Mal in Sydney gelandet - der Startschuss unserer großen Reise. In Deutschland bereitet man sich momentan auf die Nacht vor. ...
Oxfam & Macklehose Spuren, Hong Kong. Linienillustration, die beide Wege von Anfang bis Ende zeigt. Hochdetaillierte Linienführung, gedruckt auf 140g Kunstpapier. Die Personalisierung kann Datum, ...
This 4th of July weekend, we're in the mood to celebrate America. Behold: Our favorite American destinations ideal for saluting the sweet land of liberty.
A covered walkway was envisioned to link the buildings and provide shade for users. An open air centre with paved market spaces and malls provides for public
My best friend and I decided to embark on a 7 day road trip through east Nova Scotia. We had the BEST time. From Halifax, to the south eastern shore, to the Northumberland shore, to Cape Breton ...
The fourth instalment in a series of photo essays looking at the life on the Thames. From dawn sculls to a duck derby and container barges, Jill Mead, a longtime London resident and urban ...